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profile of landscape architecture technician

Learning outcomes for apprenticeships in class III

Qualification OGR.03- Design, arrangement and maintenance of planted landscaping facilities

Subject, skill or competence: Occupational health and safety

The student distinguishes between concepts related to occupational health and safety, fire protection and ergonomics

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • uses terminology related to occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection
  • lists the laws on occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection
  • determines the conditions of organization of work to ensure the required level of protection of health and life from hazards present in the work environment
  • Identifies actions to prevent environmental damage
  • describes the requirements for ergonomics at work
  • distinguishes between fire extinguishing agents due to their scope of application

Subject, skill or competence: Occupational health and safety

The learner selects technical means of individual and collective protection while performing professional tasks

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • distinguishes between individual and collective protection measures when performing professional tasks
  • chooses the means of individual and collective protection for the professional tasks performed
  • selects protective clothing for the type of work performed in the field of professional tasks
  • applies individual and collective protection measures and protective clothing when performing work in the field of professional tasks

Subject, skill or competency: occupational health and safety.

The student evaluates the selected workstation in accordance with the requirements of ergonomics and regulations on occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • organizes preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of fire or other hazards on determines the criteria for ergonomic spatial structure of workstations
  • organizes the selected workstation in accordance with the requirements of ergonomics and regulations on occupational safety and health, fire protection and environmental protection at the workplace

Subject, skill or competence: Fundamentals of landscape architecture

The student characterizes groups and species of ornamental plants used in landscaping

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • recognizes species of ornamental plants (annuals, biennials and perennials) and trees and shrubs
  • identifies species of ornamental plants (annuals, biennials and perennials) and trees and shrubs

Subject, skill or competence: Fundamentals of landscape architecture.

The student applies the principles of technical drawing

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • Identifies drawing instruments and materials for making technical drawings
  • uses drawing instruments and materials
  • uses drawing and hatching lines according to standards
  • performs drawing of geometric figures and constructions
  • applies the general principles of projection and sectioning
  • applies the principles of dimensioning
  • reads graphic designations

Subject, skill or competence: Selecting plants for landscaping.

The student characterizes ornamental plants used in landscaping facilities

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • defines the functions of vegetation in landscape architecture
  • Explains the principles of classification and systematics of ornamental plants used in landscaping
  • applies the species systematics of ornamental plants
  • uses the nomenclature of plants (Latin and Polish names) used in landscape architecture
  • determines the species of ornamental plants used in landscaping in terms of decorative values, environmental requirements and use values, such as annuals, biennials, perennials, woody plants
  • defines the functions of plant groups used in landscaping facilities

Subject, skill or competence: Development of plant designs in landscaping facilities

The student characterizes plant compositions in the design of landscaping structures

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • lists the types and elements of landscape interiors
  • Explains the principles of plant compositions in landscaping projects
  • analyzes landscape-architectural interiors
  • evaluates the influence of natural conditions on design solutions

Subject, skill or competence: Development of plant designs in landscaping facilities

The student develops graphic plant designs in landscaping facilities

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • uses color techniques
  • identifies types of freehand and perspective drawings
  • recognizes the graphic designations of plant elements, equipment and site furnishings used in the detailed design of green areas
  • applies the principles of composition in the design of green areas
  • defines the stages of green space design
  • performs projects of green areas
  • develops conceptual and detailed design of green areas in landscaping facilities
  • develops project documentation for works carried out in green areas
  • plans the work of making plant projects in landscaping facilities
  • performs graphic plant designs using computer programs

Subject, skill or competence: arranging and caring for plant landscaping facilities

The student plans the work of planting and transplanting ornamental trees and shrubs

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • determines the preparation of the site for planting trees or ornamental shrubs
  • chooses ways to prepare the site for planting according to the type of seedling and planting date
  • selects the planting date of ornamental trees and shrubs according to the type of seedling and terrain
  • identifies ways to prepare trees for transplanting
  • selects methods of transporting and storing ornamental trees and shrubs
  • determines the work involved in planting and transplanting trees and ornamental shrubs
  • draws up planting plans by hand and with the use of design aid programs
  • plans to plant ornamental trees and shrubs and protect them from damage during construction work
  • performs the work of planting and transplanting ornamental trees and shrubs and protecting them from damage during construction work
  • evaluates the quality of the work performed

Subject, skill or competence: arranging and caring for plant landscaping facilities

The student plans the work of caring for ornamental trees and shrubs

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • determines the maintenance work of ornamental trees and shrubs
  • draws up schedules for the maintenance of trees and ornamental shrubs
  • selects tools, machinery and equipment for the maintenance work performed on trees and ornamental shrubs
  • organizes the care of trees and ornamental shrubs
  • performs maintenance work on ornamental trees and shrubs
  • assesses the quality of the work performed in the care of ornamental trees and shrubs

Subject, skill or competence: arranging and caring for plant landscaping facilities

The student plans the work of establishing and caring for lawns, flowerbeds, hedges, flowerbeds and special gardens

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • determines site preparation for the establishment of lawns, flowerbeds, hedges, flowerbeds and special gardens
  • determines the work involved in the establishment and maintenance of lawns, flowerbeds, hedges, flowerbeds and special gardens
  • draws up work schedules for the establishment and maintenance of lawns, flowerbeds, hedges, flowerbeds and special gardens
  • selects plant species for establishing lawns, flowerbeds, hedges, flowerbeds and specialty gardens
  • draws up plans for plant plantings, including lawns, flowerbeds, hedges, flowerbeds and special gardens, using computer aided design programs
  • selects equipment for the establishment and maintenance of lawns, flowerbeds, hedges, flowerbeds and specialty gardens
  • identifies ways to establish a flower meadow
  • organizes the work of establishing and maintaining lawns, flowerbeds, hedges, flowerbeds and special gardens
  • performs work related to the establishment and maintenance of lawns, flowerbeds, hedges, flowerbeds and special gardens
  • evaluates the quality of the work performed in the establishment and maintenance of lawns, flowerbeds, hedges, flowerbeds and special gardens

Subject, skill or competence: Selecting methods and means of plant protection in accordance with the principles of integrated plant protection

The student characterizes plant protection products

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • describes the composition of plant protection products
  • indicates the functional forms of plant protection products
  • indicates the grace period and the prevention period
  • describes plant protection products in terms of the risks they pose to human health, bees and aquatic organisms
  • indicates the division of plant protection products: A) by function: mite-killers (acaricides); bactericides (bactericides); fungicides (fungicides); herbicides (herbicides); insecticides (insecticides); molluscicides (molluscicides); nematicides (nematocyds); plant growth regulators; pest repellents (repellents); rodenticides (rodenticides); pest attractants (attractants); molecides (talpicides); virucides (virocides). (B) by mode of action on; harmful organisms: contact; stomach; inhalation; fungitoxic; fungistatic; desiccant; growth and development inhibitor. (C) by the way it behaves on the plant: surface; deep; systemic.
  • describes the factors that determine the effective action of plant protection products: A) selection of crop protection product. (B) the timing of the treatment. (C) the dose of the crop protection product. (D) weather conditions; combined use of agrochemicals.

Subject, skill or competence: Personal and social competence

Student takes responsibility for actions taken

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • anticipates the consequences of actions taken, including legal consequences
  • demonstrates an awareness of responsibility for work performed
  • evaluates the actions taken
  • foresees the consequences of improper performance of professional activities at the workplace, including the use of hazardous substances, and improper operation of machinery and equipment at the workplace

Subject, skill or competence: Personal and social competence

The student applies techniques for coping with stress

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • recognizes sources of stress while performing professional tasks
  • chooses stress management techniques according to the situation
  • Indicates the most common causes of stressful situations at work
  • presents various forms of assertive behavior as ways to cope with stress
  • distinguishes techniques for resolving conflicts related to the performance of professional tasks
  • identifies the effects of stress

Subject, skill or competence: Personal and social competence

Student works together as a team

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • works in a team, taking responsibility for jointly implemented tasks
  • observes the division of roles, tasks and responsibilities in the team
  • Is involved in the implementation of joint team activities
  • Modifies the way of behavior, taking into account the position developed jointly with other members of the team

Subject, skill or competence: Organizing the work of small teams

The student organizes the work of the team to complete the assigned tasks

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • determines the structure of the group
  • prepares the tasks of the team for implementation
  • plans the implementation of tasks to prevent safety and health risks
  • estimates the time needed to complete a specific task
  • communicates with co-workers
  • Indicates patterns of proper group cooperation
  • assigns tasks to team members according to the schedule of planned work

Subject, skill or competence: Organizing the work of small teams

The student directs the performance of assigned tasks

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • determines the order in which tasks are performed in accordance with the work schedule
  • formulates the principles of mutual assistance
  • Coordinates the implementation of tasks to prevent safety and health hazards
  • Gives instructions to persons performing particular tasks
  • monitors the task execution process
  • develops documentation on the implementation of the task according to the prevailing standards

Subject, skill or competence: Organizing the work of small teams

The student introduces technical and organizational solutions to improve the conditions and quality of work

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • Analyze the technical and organizational solutions of the conditions and quality of work
  • Proposes technical and organizational solutions to improve the conditions and quality of work


Start an internship at your dream company

Read about the offer of companies that carry out internships for the students of the Tchaikovsky Technical School Complex. W. St. Reymonta in Czartajew.

NATURA Garden Center

Available practice dates:
- 02.10.2023 - 27.10.2023
- 02.04.2024 - 29.04.2024

Application for practice program

The form will be sent to the Practice Manager of the Technical School Complex. in Czartajew. The decision to enroll a student in an internship with a selected employer on a specific date is made by the Practice Manager, based on the applications sent and the availability of places.