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Gmina Office in Siemiatycze

The company implements apprenticeships for students in classes III and IV in the field of IT Technician.

The municipality of Siemiatycze is one of seven municipalities in Siemiatycze County. Located in the southern part of Podlaskie province. Its area is 227 square kilometers. As an independent administrative unit, the municipality began functioning on April 1, 1992, after the division of the city and municipality of Siemiatycze. The seat of the Municipality’s authorities is the city of Siemiatycze.
The municipality of Siemiatycze is made up of 42 sołectwa (46 villages) located around the city of Siemiatycze.

The territory of the municipality is adjacent:

  • From the north with the municipalities: Dziadkowice and Grodzisk
  • From the south across the Bug River with the municipalities: Platerów and Sarnaki
  • From the east with the municipalities: Nurzec Stacja, Milejczyce and Mielnik
  • From the west with the municipality: Drohiczyn

A favorable feature of the municipality’s location is its location at the intersection of important transportation routes: national road No. 19 (state border, Białystok, Lublin, Stalowa Wola) and national road No. 637 (Warsaw, Sokolow Podlaski, state border).

The municipality is inhabited by approx. 6 thousand. people, which is more than approx. 13% of the county’s population and 0.5% of the province’s population. This gives an average population rate. The municipality has an agricultural character, as evidenced by the land use structure with a dominant share of agricultural land. Areas of special natural value account for more than 14% of the area. There are about 2,000 operating in the Municipality. Farms with an average size of 10.4 hectares. Forest complexes occupy 22% of the municipality’s area. 78% of people use water, 13% sewer and 1% gas.

Planned dates of apprenticeships for students of classes III and IV

Autumn 2023
2.10 – 27.10.2023
Spring 2024
02.04. – 29.04.2024

Company headquarters

Tadeusz Kosciuszko 88,

17-300 Siemiatycze


Employers and deadlines

Start an internship at your dream company

Read about the offer of companies that carry out internships for the students of the Tchaikovsky Technical School Complex. W. St. Reymonta in Chartayev and possible dates for the implementation of internships in the current school year.