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electrical technician profile

Learning outcomes for apprenticeships in class III

Qualification ELE.02. Installation, commissioning and maintenance of electrical installations, machinery and equipment

Subject, skill or competence: Occupational health and safety

The student distinguishes between concepts related to occupational health and safety, fire protection, environmental protection and ergonomics

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • indicates the law on occupational safety and health, fire protection, environmental protection and ergonomics in the electrical power industry
  • explains the meaning of the terms: occupational safety, occupational hygiene, occupational protection, ergonomics
  • identifies the scope and purpose of fire protection activities
  • Explains the scope and purpose of environmental protection measures in the work environment
  • Describes concepts related to occupational accidents and diseases
  • lists the intra-company regulations on occupational safety and health, fire protection, environmental protection and ergonomics

Subject, skill or competence: Fundamentals of electrical engineering

The student selects methods for measuring electrical quantities in electrical circuits and electronic systems

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • selects instruments for measuring electrical quantities in electrical circuits and electronic systems
  • performs measurements of parameters of electrical quantities in electrical circuits and electronic systems
  • determines the values of electrical quantities in electrical circuits and electronic systems
  • applies application software to perform tests on electrical components, circuits and systems

Subject, skill or competence: Installation, commissioning and maintenance of electrical installations

The student performs electrical installations according to the documentation

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • selects tools to perform assembly and disassembly of electrical installations
  • routes cable runs and installation fixture placement based on documentation
  • makes connections between electrical components based on documentation
  • verifies the correctness of the electrical system and electric shock protection measures after installation


The student recognizes electrical and mechanical faults occurring in electrical systems based on symptoms

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

    • selects tools for maintenance of electrical installations
    • performs a visual inspection of electrical installations
    • locates faults that occur in electrical installations
    • selects replacement parts for electrical components
    • Replaces damaged electrical components
    • performs measurements of the parameters of electrical installations
    • verifies the correct operation of electrical installations and shock protection measures after maintenance work has been carried out
    • performs acceptance measurements of electrical installations

Subject, skill or competence: Installation, commissioning and maintenance of electrical machinery and equipment

The student assembles and starts up electrical machines and equipment

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • uses technical documentation of electrical machines and equipment
  • selects tools for the assembly of electrical machines and equipment
  • performs assembly of subassemblies of electrical machines and equipment
  • verifies the correctness of the assembly of electrical machines and equipment
  • Starts up electrical machines and equipment based on technical documentation
  • Checks the operation of electrical machines and equipment after commissioning

Subject, skill or competence: Installation, commissioning and maintenance of electrical machinery and equipment

The student performs maintenance work on electrical machinery and equipment according to the documentation

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • classifies the types of defects that occur in electrical machinery and equipment
  • performs visual inspection of electrical machines and equipment
  • Locates faults that occur in electrical machinery and equipment
  • selects spare parts for components of electrical machines and equipment
  • selects tools for maintenance of electrical machines and equipment
  • Replaces damaged components of electrical machinery and equipment
  • verifies the correctness of the maintenance work performed
  • performs measurements of parameters of electrical machines and equipment

Subject, skill or competence: Personal and social competence.

Student improves professional skills

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • defines the range of skills and competencies necessary for the profession
  • analyzes its own competence
  • sets his own professional development goals
  • plans the path of professional development
  • Identifies opportunities to improve professional, personal and social skills

Learning outcomes for apprenticeships in class IV

Qualification ELE.05. Operation of machinery, equipment and electrical installations

Subject, skill or competence: Occupational health and safety

The student organizes the workplace in accordance with the requirements of ergonomics, occupational health and safety, fire protection and environmental protection regulations

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • identifies factors to be taken into account when organizing a workstation in accordance with ergonomic principles
  • determines the ergonomic requirements for the workstation
  • identifies safe and sanitary working conditions at the workplace
  • indicates the obligations of the employer in the organization of the employee’s working time
  • Identifies preventive measures to prevent hazards at the workplace
  • Recognizes situations that pose a fire hazard while working
  • identifies equipment and environmental materials used in the work

Subject, skill or competence Operation of electrical installations

The student characterizes the operational requirements of electrical installations

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • lists the operational requirements for electrical installations
  • interprets the regulations on the operation of electrical installations
  • distinguishes between the activities related to the operation of electrical installations
  • performs work in the field of operation of electrical installations
  • prepares documentation of the work performed

Subject, skill or competence: Operation of electrical installations

The student performs measurements of electrical installations, evaluates the results of measurements of electrical installations

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • selects measuring instruments to perform measurements of electrical installations
  • performs measurements of electrical installations
  • prepares documentation of the measurements taken
  • presents the results of measurements and calculations in the form of tables and graphs
  • compares the results of measurements of electrical installations with technical documentation
  • assesses the technical condition of electrical installations on the basis of measurement results

Subject, skill or competence: Operation of electrical machinery and equipment

The student characterizes the methods of measuring the parameters of electrical machines and equipment

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • distinguishes methods of measuring parameters of electrical machines and equipment
  • selects measuring instruments to perform measurements of parameters of electrical machines and equipment
  • draws diagrams of measurement systems for determining parameters of electrical machines and equipment
  • performs measurements of parameters of electrical machines and equipment
  • prepares documentation of the measurements taken
  • applies the principles of safe work with electrical equipment

Subject, skill or competence: Operation of electrical machinery and equipment

The student characterizes the protection of electrical machinery and equipment

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • distinguishes between types of protection of electrical machines and equipment
  • selects the protection based on the calculations made
  • indicates places of installation of protection of electrical machines and equipment
  • selects electric shock protection measures
  • installs electric shock protection
  • verifies the correct operation of the installed security features
  • assesses the effectiveness of electric shock protection in power supply systems of electrical machines and equipment

Subject, skill or competence: Personal and social competence.

Student works together as a team

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • works in a team, taking responsibility for jointly implemented tasks

  • observes the division of roles, tasks and responsibilities in the team

  • Is involved in the implementation of joint team activities

  • Modifies the way of behavior, taking into account the position developed jointly with other members of the team

Subject, skill or competence: Organizing the work of small teams

The student organizes the work of the team to complete the assigned tasks

The student performs the following activities within the framework of the described Learning Outcome in apprenticeship:

  • determines the structure of the group

  • prepares the tasks of the team for implementation

  • plans the implementation of tasks to prevent safety and health risks

  • estimates the time needed to complete a specific task

  • communicates with co-workers

  • Indicates patterns of proper group cooperation

  • assigns tasks to team members according to the schedule of planned work

Pro-accessories and deadlines

Start an internship at your dream company

Read about the offer of companies that carry out internships for the students of the Technical School Complex. W. St. Reymonta in Czartajew and possible dates for the implementation of internships in the current school year.

POLSER Sp. z o.o.

Available practice dates:
- 02.10.2023 - 27.10.2023
- 02.04.2024 - 29.04.2024

Oerlemans Foods Siemiatycze

Available practice dates:
- 02.10.2023 - 27.10.2023
- 02.04.2024 - 29.04.2024

PGE Sarnaki

Available practice dates:
- 02.10.2023 - 27.10.2023
- 02.04.2024 - 29.04.2024

Application for practice program

The form will be sent to the Practice Manager of the Technical School Complex. Reymonta in Czartajew The decision to enroll a student in an internship with a selected employer on a specific date is made by the Practice Manager, based on the applications sent and the availability of places.